New 2m Repeater In Service on Black Mountain
Tim Webb KK4WH and Justin Childers KN4TRV have put a new 2m repeater inservice on the Lynch, KY side on Black Mountain (highest point in the state of Kentucky). The repeater is providing a wide footprint of coverage. As hams in Perry, Letcher, Pike and Harlan counties in Kentucky, Wise County in Virginia, as well as hams as far away as Bristol, TN have had QSOs on it.
Here is a conversation that KN4TRV was having with a ham from Bluff City, TN (just outside of Bristol, TN) who was running 10 watts.
The next phase of the project for Tim and Justin is to link this repeater via AllStar with Justin’s repeaters in Dorton, KY and Phelps, KY in the next few weeks. Many Thanks to Jack Colwell KO4EWR, Jason Robinette W4JOR, and Roland Brown AF4Y for help with testing today.
- KN4TRV Lynch, KY
- 147.375
- + offset of 0.600
- PL Tone 79.7 on TX
- AllStar Node 593782
- Antenna Height 4265 Feet ASL
- Power is 30 Watts
I know Tim and Justin would love to hear your signal reports and feedback on the new repeater. Good job guys and keep up the good work.
Special SSTV Experiment Scheduled For ARRL Teacher’s Institute
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) in collaboration with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), plan to carry out a special Slow Scan TV (SSTV) experiment from the ISS on Wednesday, July 26, 2023. During the event, the Columbus Module Repeater, transmitting at 437.800 MHz, will carry a message to be received by teachers attending the ARRL Teacher’s Institute class. The pass will be over the Mid-Atlantic / New England area with transmissions scheduled to begin at 20:05 UTC (16:05 ET) and ending at 20:20 UTC (16:20 ET). If necessary, a backup window will be 21:40 UTC (17:40 ET) to 21:55 UTC (17:55 ET).
Radio enthusiasts are welcome to download the message and follow along with the event, but we ask that all hams please refrain from using the repeater for voice contacts during the event.
Please understand this is a special experiment conducted through ARISS and the ARRL. All regular operation of the repeater should continue to take place in voice mode only.
Check ARISS Social Media below for any updates on this event.
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